Sailboats stayed in the lake and a big pine tree stands in the middle of shoreside. There are fresh green grass in the water and a small pagoda at the tip of bridge with group of birds flying in formation. Moutains are still topped with snow. Artist made the whole scene in tranquility of spring season. It was painted in gold leaf panels.
Plum blossoms are signals of Spring season started, following colorful cherry blossomes in town. Most of the mountain plum trees bloom white flowers with gentle scent, which attracts many birds. High moutains on top are covered with mist in spring and pine tree in the hill is a sybol of strongness. This paiting was made in gold leaf panels by artist Shunkoh in Kyoto.
Mt. Fuji is not only the highest mountain in Japan, but it has been depicted by many artists in different style for years. This screen features magnificient shape of the volucano moutanin in sun shine with clear blue sky and wihte cloud. Original artwork was made in woodblock print by Katsushika Hokusai (1760 - 1849).